Why should Asbestos be removed from my property?


Asbestos is a dangerous substance that can cause long-term health problems and even death. The only safe solution to asbestos is to have it removed by professionals and have the building sealed up again. Some of the most dangerous areas for asbestos are in old houses or buildings. Asbestos was used in flooring and ceiling tiles, insulation, drywall, and many other building materials years ago. Asbestos particles can be breathed in or swallowed and easily enter into the body’s bloodstream. Even though there aren’t any immediate symptoms to breathing in asbestos particles, it does not mean there are no repercussions. It is important to get asbestos removed if you are concerned about its presence in your home or business

Asbestos is a harmful substance that can cause long-term health problems and even death.

Asbestos is a mineral that was used in building materials, such as plasterboard and pipe lining. It was widely used because it’s fireproof and water resistant.

However, asbestos can cause lung cancer, mesothelioma and other diseases when breathed in or swallowed. The inhalation of airborne asbestos fibres can lead to serious health issues including mesothelioma, which causes lung cancer and other cancers of the airways and digestive system. Asbestos fibres are small enough to be inhaled by anyone who comes into contact with them.

Asbestos has been banned in many countries around the world but still exists in older buildings like yours which may have been built with it.

The only safe solution to asbestos is to have it removed by professionals and have the building sealed up again.

The only safe solution to asbestos is to have it removed by professionals and have the building sealed up again. Asbestos removal should be done by professionals because of the complicated process involved, professional training and equipment required, and risk of exposure if not done properly. Asbestos removal requires special equipment that can only be used in a controlled environment with trained workers who understand how to handle it safely. Professional work also involves extensive preparation before starting any work on your property. Unfortunately this can mean several days or weeks of downtime while you wait for them to complete their prep work before they start removing the asbestos from your home or office building. The cost associated with hiring a professional team will vary depending on the size of your property but expect it to run into several thousand dollars at least. Asbestos removal takes time as well—it’s not something that can be done overnight unless there are no other factors involved (like high intensity fires) which would make immediate action necessary first instead of taking things step by step like normal contractors do when working with residential projects like yours where patience is key!

Some of the most dangerous areas for asbestos are in old houses or buildings.

You might not be aware of it, but you may have asbestos in your home. Asbestos is a mineral that was once used to make fireproofing materials and insulation for pipes and boilers. It can cause serious health problems if it’s ingested or inhaled, so it’s best to avoid exposure as much as possible.

Some of the most dangerous areas for asbestos are in old houses or buildings:

  • Old houses built before 1980 often contain asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). These include floor tiles, ceiling tiles and wall panels made with corrugated asbestos cement sheeting (CACS) or fibrous glass insulation (FGIS), which were common components of building materials prior to 1980. Asbestos was also used in some shingles, asphalt roof coatings and vinyl siding up until that date as well; however these products are less likely to be found today on homes constructed after this time period. Even if there’s no visible sign of ACMs on your property you should still have them tested by a professional inspector

Asbestos was used in flooring and ceiling tiles, insulation, drywall, and many other building materials years ago.

Asbestos was used in construction materials such as flooring and ceiling tiles, insulation, drywall and many other building materials years ago. Asbestos is a harmful substance that can cause long-term health problems and even death when it is not removed properly. It is important to know if your home or business has been exposed to asbestos so you can take steps to keep yourself safe from exposure.

If you are unsure whether your property contains asbestos or any other hazardous material, seek out an expert who can identify the issue for you before taking further action.

Asbestos particles can be breathed in or swallowed and easily enter into the body’s bloodstream.

  • Asbestos fibers can be breathed in or swallowed and easily enter into the body’s bloodstream.
  • Inhaling these fibers causes long-term health problems, including lung cancer and mesothelioma (a rare and deadly form of cancer).
  • Breathing or swallowing asbestos also increases your risk of developing asbestosis, a scarring of the lung tissue caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers. Symptoms include shortness of breath with exertion, a persistent cough that produces sputum that is sometimes bloody, chest pains with breathing or coughing and a decreased ability to exercise.
  • If you breathe in large amounts of asbestos fibers over time you are at greater risk for developing one of these diseases than if you were exposed to smaller doses over a shorter period.

Even though there aren’t any immediate symptoms to breathing in asbestos particles, it does not mean there are no repercussions.

You might not feel any symptoms of asbestosis, mesothelioma or lung cancer immediately. However, these diseases can be deadly and are caused by exposure to asbestos particles.

There are other types of cancer that can develop from exposure to asbestos including gastrointestinal cancer (esophagus), larynx cancer and ovarian cancer.

It is important to get asbestos removed if you are concerned about its presence in your home or business.

If you are concerned about asbestos in your home or business, it is important to get it removed as soon as possible. Asbestos removal should be done by professionals who have the experience and knowledge required for this kind of work.

Asbestos removal is a complicated process that must be done in a safe and controlled manner. The presence of asbestos can be dangerous if not handled properly. Because of these risks, it’s especially important to remove all traces of asbestos before beginning any renovation or remodeling project at a property that contains asbestos materials.

Before hiring contractors to perform the necessary work, make sure they are licensed professionals with experience removing hazardous materials like asbestos; otherwise they may accidentally damage more areas than intended by their actions during removal projects on your property!

Asbestos Removal should be done by professionals.

Asbestos removal should be done by professionals. Asbestos removal is a skilled job and should not be attempted by untrained individuals or unqualified contractors. The dangers of improperly removing asbestos can lead to serious health problems, including mesothelioma and lung disease.

There are several reasons to hire a professional for asbestos removal. First, it’s illegal for anyone other than certified professionals to remove asbestos from buildings in Australia except under very limited circumstances (e.g., when the structure is being demolished). Second, even if you’re allowed to do so legally, removing asbestos yourself would likely violate building codes and insurance requirements; this could create severe financial penalties if discovered later on in home inspections or during mortgage applications at banks or other lending institutions


In order to ensure the safety of your home or business, it is best to have an asbestos removal specialist do the job. Asbestos is a harmful material that can cause long-term health problems and even death if not removed correctly. The only way to be sure that no harm comes from asbestos exposure is by removing it completely from your property with qualified professionals who are trained in handling this dangerous material.

If you are in doubt does your home or property has asbestos-containing materials and want to find out, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team of professionals on: 0475 143 106 or email us on: asbestosgoneandclean@gmail.com!